7 tips to stop hair loss 1

Who does not want to have beautiful and healthy hair? Well, everyone, but unfortunately this is not always possible. Often we see that the wires go if stampeding without mercy. So far so good. But if they are falling and it becomes a constant? ... Um, in this case, then, are asked to call the alert signal. Many may be the reasons for hair loss, and we will show here some of them, as well as some tips to try to end this terrible feeling of hair loss. Paper and pencil in hand, note there:

1 - Avoid washing your hair with hot water, because the high temperature predisposes seborrheic dermatitis (dandruff) and rebound oiliness, prefer, always wash your hair with cold or warm water.

2 - A very important tip is to never sleep with wet hair, stuck with braid or loop, as wet hair enables the visit of fungi. Wet and still stuck, then, can be fatal to the wires. Even while sleeping, the hair getting stuck for a long time can score and break wires to move.

3 - Your wires are loosening alone or only when you manipulate? Hair loss is abundant? Well, it may in this case be a lack of iron, so if big hair loss, your doctor should check for iron deficiency anemia, or even hormonal changes, genetic predisposition, nutritional or caloric deficiency, stress, autoimmune disease or substance abuse in contact with the wire.

4 - If you are going through hormonal changes, look for a specialist, he will choose the right treatment and prevent a crisis, particularly in the postpartum period, menopause or the case of thyroid changes or male hormones.

7 tips to stopp hair loss 2

5 - protein lack may also be one of the causes for this, especially if you practice physical activity too often (more than four times a week), the tip is perfect the consumption of protein, from 12 to 24g per day, as lean mass steals protein complexes. Consume more fish, poultry, cottage cheese, eggs, yogurt.

6 - The constant use of boards and chemical, such as permanent or progressive brush, can be a cause, so try to avoid the abusive use of these procedures with very short intervals and avoid the combination of these processes with dye or balayage for less than 30 days, so you will avoid loss of stem density, as well as hair loss and fractures.

7 - Last but not least, by the way, very important, never try to self medicate, if you notice that your hair is falling much beyond normal, see a dermatologist to make the necessary examinations and receive the specific diagnosis. Moreover, what is for your sister or childhood friend, can not serve necessarily for you.

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